Monday 19 November 2012

Back to School

Well here I go for one more time....

Finally bitten the bullet and made inquiries about studying for a Diploma in Accounting. 

Well actually, I was inquiring about Bachelor of Accounting, but the guy I was talking to said to start with the Diploma as I have been out for so long, and if I want to continue onto a Bachelor, it would take 12 months off.

Maybe this is the mid-life crisis? Or maybe I just want to be able to say "I do know what I am talking about & now I have the Diploma to prove it!! Lol

Wish me luck <3

Monday 12 November 2012

Be the change

Went to the late Will Anderson show last Saturday night, and whilst it was not Willarious as promised, and I am sure he was tripping & intoxicated throughout the show, he said something that has been churning over in my mind ever since.

Other than "it's the last show of the night, I've got no where to be. Although it's a fine line between a comedy show and a hostage situation", when being heckled by a lady who wouldn't man up and carry on with him.

He also quoted Gandhi; "be the change you wish to see in others"

I can't remember what relevance this had to his show, it was during the whole Gay/Lesbian equal rights sector. Which is something else I have noticed, Gay and Lesbian and their supporters seem to be using comedy as their platform to get their message across that they are no different to the rest of us.

I'll be honest, the conservative side of me, says NO, it is wrong, a marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman, and a child needs to have a mother and a father, not a mother and a mother, or a father and a father.

But then the realistic side steps up with; who are you trying to kid, if they love each other, why cannot they be wed in holy matrimony, legally in the eyes of the law, and not be ridiculed or judged by those that are by no way in the position to do so.

And really, with the number of single parents these days, a child is lucky to live with 2 parents who love them, regardless of their gender.

Maybe that is what he means by, be the change. To be tolerant of those who's views and ideals are different to our own.

I have Gay and Lesbian friends, but I don't see them as such, I see them as who they are, my friends, and if one day they ask me to answer the call to support them, I hope I am able to, but as of right now, I am still a fence sitter, but I try not to be judgmental about things that do not affect me, and at the end of the day, are none of my business, and to me, that is change enough. For now.


I'll be the first to admit, I don't understand life. I mean, why am I here? For what purpose do I serve. Maybe I am under estimating myself or lacking in self appreciation, or appreciation of others, I don't know.

By no means am I suicidal, I just wonder what else is there. What am I missing.

I have both my parents, a pretty awesome sibling, who has a family of his own. I have a wonderful partner, beautiful daughter who drives me nuts, and three more girls in Qld I claim as my own.

I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, 2 dogs, a car & a boat, by all accounts a good job with a lenient boss.

So what's the confusion, why do I feel I only exist, not live.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Awkward Silence

What is one suppose to do or say at the wake of a man who one did not really know?

Sure I can make all the right noises, I mean he was a nice enough guy, easy on the eye, bit of a goose, but a heart of gold. Not a friend I would associate outside of work hours, but I wouldn't cross the street to avoid him either, but at the end of the day, he was just a guy that worked in one of the stores.

No speech was given, no eulogy was read, just three distinct groups huddled together watching the power point presentation of a life taken too soon.

The family, the friends, and the work collegues/associates, sharing awkward smiles in the hope they are percieved as sympathetic we are all in this together looks of comfort.

It really was an awkward silence, but how can you say no when the family made the point of phoning and asking you to be there, even if you don't understand why.

Rest In Peace Ben Leigh Wilton <3

Thursday 15 March 2012

Keyboard Cowboys

What is it about the internet that makes people, keyboard cowboys?

I have always been of the firm opinion, that opinions are like bums, everyone has one, and they all stink. But everyone is entitled to their opinion, and for their opinion to be heard, whether it is agreed apon by all or none.

Which brings me to the internet, more specifically, social media. To be really specific, Facebook as this is the one I am most familiar with. Person A makes a post, person B likes it, person C has an opinion about it that person A&B don't agree with, person D weighs in on the debate, and from there it desends into name calling involving numerous amounts of C's and F's.

Firstly; if you don't want it commented on, don't post it on the world wide web for all to see.

Secondly; if you don't agree with someones comment on your post, put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

Thirdly; and most importantly, remember that everything, and I do mean everything you post on the internet has the potential to haunt you later in life. Do you really think that just because you have deleted a post, or a comment, or a photo, or even your account, that it has disappeared? No, someone has seen it, and if they haven't taken a snap shot of it to use as blackmale later, then they certainly will remember it.

I tell you right now, I know too many employers who when receiving potential job applicants, the first thing they do is Google the name and see how said applicant displays themselves in the public eye.

The internet, it can make or destroy you, your choice.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Last Cast My Arse - It's a way of life

Few years back now, the master and commander decided that we needed to trade his boat in on a heavier one, one that would be easier on my back while blue water fishing.

The deal was, he chose the boat, the equipment needed etc, I chose the colour.... and the name.

Well I got the colour wrong, being a dark blue (suppose to be midnight blue, and if it was a metallic it probably would be) every scratch and paint chip shows like the full moon on a clear night. But the name, oh the name, what to call it? Suddenly, whilst listening to a Nickelback song, it came to me. The lyrics are actually "get your hands off this glass, last call my arse".

After a bit of stuffing around, the name was soon proudly displayed down the sides of the boat, and soon became the talking point of everyone who saw it!

From there it went on to be the team name in local fishing comps, it's abbreviation the rego number on the car, it's abreviation with the number 4 in front of it the rego number for the boat trailer, and after discovering how well known it actually is, we have applied for it to be trademarked.

This mainly came about from the last time I fuelled up the car, a gentleman came up to me and said LCMA, that's the name of your boat isn't it? Yeah, Last Cast My Arse, I proudly replied, that's the one... awesome. That and when a prominent Darwin fisherman and radio producer went into the master and commanders place of work and asked him if he was the skipper of Last Cast My Arse.... Couldn't remember his name, just that he owned the boat, the master and commander was devastated... lol

My first blog

Well here we go, after reading girlfriends blogs, I figured, why not me. I mean, some of them are so good at this they ort to be writing novels, but what the hey, I'll give it a go.

The name Dedenuff? Well that was actually the security question on the set up screen. The way my back is, and what I have found out about it (a completely different story) the name Dedenuff pretty much sums up the way I feel. But I promise not to be morbid, I'm just here for the ride